I was resting at home one day, when a friend of mine came around. She said she had a problem and when I asked what it was, she said and I quote "a guy has been asking me out for some days now and I don't know how to tell him no". After listening to the whole story, I resolved that it was a problem of fear. I saw she liked the guy but as a platonic friend so she did not want to offend him yet she couldn't just date him. I'm sure you want to know what I told her? Yes, you're curious.

Ok, let me start. You might find this stupid, but you have to agreed with me that NO is the easiest word to say in a relationship not to talk of someone you are not dating yet. If a guy woos you, and after your normal "test run" time, you don't find him worthy of your love or perhaps he is but there is a wall between you two stopping you from dating him, why can't you simply say no.

I wonder why a lady would force herself into relationship not because she likes the guy but because she does not want to offend him. A man without enemies is a man without principles and that means you don't have anything you stand for. Another saying goes thus that a man that does not have anything to stand for, will fall for everything.

Don't just tell a guy NO, also tell him why you are saying NO. If you can be friends with him, let him know you both can't be more than friends. But if he doesn't retire, tell him he will expire. That simply means if he can't come to terms with what your decision, he should take a walk. A man that cannot respect your feelings before dating you won't respect your feelings when he starts dating you.

The truth is that NO does not really mean a NO. Lets look at it from this perspective, a NO to a bad guy means a YES to a good guy, a NO to premarital sex means a YES to keeping yourself for your future husband and so on and so forth.

Do you now understand the point I've been trying to drive home all this while. Always say NO when you have to say it and likewise say YES when you need to say it. But, always think twice before making any decision.

I guess this is the most i can say on this topic for now because of space.

For any help, don't hesitate to call me on 08028939470.

With God, all things are possible

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